How to Write an Effective About Page

By September 20, 2017Business Tips, Websites

Time to Talk About You

Now that you’ve decided to finally get your website built, you have to provide content to your web developer. That’s right, while we’re coding away, and taking care of the bells and whistles of the design process, you have homework to do!

One of the most important pages that goes up on your site is the About page, this is the area of your website that adds a personal touch and allows visitors to get a sense of who are you, what you have to offer and what you are all about.

We’ve seen enough of our own clients procrastinate on this area, only to have them rush through writing this part of their website when it came time to swapping out the lorem ipsum filler text. We wish to stress that you should not leave your About page as an afterthought. Having this part already available for your web developer before the design process is begins is key. This enables your web designer to know what type of images to use and how to aesthetically lay everything out. We live in a visual world, and, unfortunately, most people tend to skim textual information and are more intrigued by the visuals.

Although not guaranteed, a killer About page can potentially lead to more conversions because it allows your visitors to virtually meet you. So, we’re going to help you out with this small, but crucial, section by offering our two cents on how to talk about YOU.

Mission Statement

People enjoy reading about how their needs can be met, so begin by addressing your visitors with a short and sweet mission statement. Successful mission statements summarize the intentions of a business, organization or blog in 1-2 sentences. Take your time to create your mission statement, as to ensure that it conveys the values of your company, and provides inspiration and meaning, not only to your visitors, but also to the people who work for you. Keep in mind that it should express your current and long-term vision, and what you stand for, so refrain from mentioning your products and/or services. Focus on your passion and priorities while explaining to your visitors how you will make their lives better, this will entice visitors to continue reading.

Who You Are + What You Do

Now that your visitors get a gist of your aspirations, it’s time clarify the products and/or services you offer. Once again, keep it brief and don’t boast, nobody likes a showoff. Discuss when you were established, the experience you bring to the table, how big or small you are, whether or not your family-owned, and list the problems you solve for your patrons. This is where you convey your personality and express how humbly awesome you are.

Why You Are Different

State what sets you apart from your competition. Provide examples of how you do things differently and express your unique identity in your industry.


Consider your target audience and speak their language. We recommend speaking in first person, using ‘I’ or ‘We’, depending on what suits you; third-person and corporate-style copy can come across unwelcoming and stiff. Be a real human and use a conversational tone, as though you are introducing yourself to your visitors in-person. Represent your brand’s voice by finding a balance between being professional and personal.

Let Your Story Shine

Today, the majority of business is done online and your About page is where your visitors will get to know and like you. Most importantly, this is the section where you must inspire trust, because without it, your visitors are more likely to close that window, open a new tab and look elsewhere. So, put those storytelling skills into action and be creative. State the facts, have fun with it and let your About page shine. This is your chance to share your story.